This example is running in WebGL2 and should work in most browsers. You can check the WebGPU examples here.
//! This example illustrates how to play a single-frequency sound (aka a pitch)

use bevy::prelude::*;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)
        .add_systems(Update, (play_pitch, keyboard_input_system))

#[derive(Event, Default)]
struct PlayPitch;

struct PitchFrequency(f32);

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {

fn play_pitch(
    mut pitch_assets: ResMut<Assets<Pitch>>,
    frequency: Res<PitchFrequency>,
    mut events: EventReader<PlayPitch>,
    mut commands: Commands,
) {
    for _ in {
        info!("playing pitch with frequency: {}", frequency.0);
        commands.spawn(PitchBundle {
            source: pitch_assets.add(Pitch::new(frequency.0, Duration::new(1, 0))),
            settings: PlaybackSettings::DESPAWN,
        info!("number of pitch assets: {}", pitch_assets.len());

fn keyboard_input_system(
    keyboard_input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
    mut frequency: ResMut<PitchFrequency>,
    mut events: EventWriter<PlayPitch>,
) {
    if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowUp) {
        frequency.0 *= 2.0f32.powf(1.0 / 12.0);
    if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowDown) {
        frequency.0 /= 2.0f32.powf(1.0 / 12.0);
    if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {